
The Department of 英语,语言和大众传播 includes two distinct academic programs: English & 大众传播. The department provides courses leading to a Bachelors of 艺术s degree in English, 主修文学和教学, 并获得大众传播文学学士学位.

The mission of the department is to help students appreciate, understand and interpret the human experience as it is expressed through the written and spoken word; to prepare students to become successful media practitioners;and to foster student’s critical thinking skills. 为了达到这个目的, the curricula provide opportunities for the student (1) to gain mastery of language, 尤其是标准美式英语的形式, (2) to develop skills and techniques of effective writing and to teach students the skills necessary to operate across a wide variety of media platforms using 状态-of-the-art technologies, (3) to cultivate an appreciation for literature and 通信 from a variety of cultures and skills in interpreting it, (4), to develop and broaden problem-solving and analytical skills, (5)培养求知欲.

Through its curricula the department prepares its majors to enter the work force in a variety of occupations, 包括教学, 写作与编辑, 业务与销售, 公共关系, 生产商, 记者, 主播和政府服务与当地, 状态, 以及联邦机构. The major also prepares students for graduate or professional study in such fields as literature, 语言学, 通信, 法律, 图书馆学和工商管理.


Students majoring in English may select either a major in literature, which is designed for those interested in graduate school, 专业写作, and college teaching; or a major in teaching, which is designed for those interested in secondary school teaching. In addition to the required courses in these two majors, we offer a broad range of language and literature electives designed to enhance the general education of all students, 无论专业如何.

The literature major provides an excellent background for those majors who wish to enter 法律, 医学, 业务, 或者政府服务. 与上述领域的课程准备, a student in the literature concentration can be assured of using the English language effectively, 在专业领域是无价的财富.

Students majoring in 大众传播 will experience print media by writing, 编辑, and publishing a bi-monthly student run online newspaper, 校园纪事;television broadcast media by participating in a regular television newscast as 生产商, 任务的记者, 摄影摄像, and anchors; and radio broadcast media by participating in a regular one hour radio show where vocal delivery skills can be developed and enhanced.

Students will obtain these real-world hands-on professional experiences via our professionally managed 3,000瓦调频广播电台, WPRL 91.7 FM, and our University wide cable television center, ASU TV-13.

联系 & 社交媒体 Information

英语系现在在社交媒体上很活跃. For more complete and current information about our upcoming events, 很酷的课程设置和教员, please check out our 脸谱网, Instagram和推特!

脸谱网: http://www.Facebook.com/asudepartmentofenglish

推特: alcorn_english

Instagram: alcorn_english

The Department Chair is Dr. anne - marie Obilade. 如果您有任何疑问,请致电601-877-6400.